I’m coming back!

Okay okay I super duper suck right? Its been way too long since my last update. Why you ask? I’ve been so busy with work, I do design for a living so when I finally get a chance to design for visual and online stuff my brain kinda….just …. dies!!! SO I am going to snap out of it. No more excuses and I need to work on a new layout for here. Any ideas who to use for a muse?

I also noticed some of my link exchanges/affiliates are gone or going to leave or like me, haven’t updated in awhile! ;o; Oh man – I’ll be accepting new links and affiliates soon!

I PROMISE…I am coming back with new updates! <3


  1. Edel Said:

    on April 9, 2010 at 9:49 pm

    Hi there! :DD First time commenter, long time lurked and browser! XD

    Wow, an update! :O You don’t suck! Real life is more important than online life. And aweh. I was doing my daily browsing and a lot of amazing design sites are dead, closed, on hiatus, or just plain gone. *-* Anyway, I’m looking forward to your updates as always! :DDD

  2. Manda Said:

    on April 13, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    One of the last layout changes, if not already the last one.

    Well, I’m still online, just not updating my site really. You can find me on livejournal. ;D

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