New layout + Site url move
Finally after so much time I updated the last layout for 2011. It is of Soan or as some people know him as Towa!
You can find the layout over here.
Matching icon here.
Some things to note: new url for my site. We moved to – my other domain is dead. I might also change my graphic site name to Honey Vanity. I need my link exchanges to change my link to redirect here! See you in the new year!!
Edel Said:
on January 13, 2012 at 9:11 pm
Yay, an update! I tried using the old URL and nearly freaked out when I saw the domain name expired. The first thing that went into my head was, “Not another one!” The J-rock graphic design community is slowly shrinking.
I’m pretty sure it’s thriving in LJ or other communities like those but I enjoyed the old J-rock design sites like Social Faker, Your Final Demise, Muse City, etc. Then again, I’m just a lurker. 😛
Mija Said:
on January 16, 2012 at 1:34 pm
Edel – I totally understand what you mean! Sorry my moving domains caused a mini panic! I also miss seeing jrock design sites ;o;! If you ever find any new ones, please let me know!!
Natty Said:
on January 28, 2012 at 10:35 am
It really is a great thing – WP – I just need to get used to designing for it still. x)
Lucien Said:
on December 3, 2014 at 7:42 am
Thank you very much.
I’m not much into J-Pop and J-Pop, but your site looks lovely as well. ^.^